The father of NBC cameraman Ashoka Mukpo, who has been recently stricken with Ebola virus disease, is one of the most prominent intensive care … [Read more...]
Boston Bomber Intubated and Sedated
We are following news reports that the alleged Boston bomber Dzhokar Tsarnaev is currently intubated (breathing tube placed) and sedated, as we … [Read more...]
Therapeutic Hypothermia After Cardiac Arrest Protocol
Therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac arrest is an increasingly used strategy to improve outcomes after myocardial infarction. Most medical centers … [Read more...]
Hypertonic Saline for Fluid Resuscitation
Hypertonic saline for fluid resuscitation is best performed with an institution-approved protocol. One such protocol for buffered 3 % hypertonic (half … [Read more...]
Oculovestibular Reflex (Cold Caloric) Test
Oculovestibular reflex (cold caloric test) is performed by trauma surgeons and surgical intensivists must sometimes assess the patient for brain … [Read more...]
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is a commonly asked subject area on all medical boards tests. The following summarizes some of the most … [Read more...]
Hetastarch (amylopectin) is a commonly used volume expander in the ICU. Some key things to remember when administering it: 1. Use obscures the … [Read more...]
Doubt Grows on Use of CPIS
Mannitol Administration
Although lacking level 1 support, mannitol is an commonly used drug in cases of severe traumatic brain injury to manage an increase in intracerebral … [Read more...]
Pentobarbital Induced Coma
Although not used as frequently as in the past, occasionally patients in the ICU are placed in a "pentobarb coma", most commonly in cases of hepatic … [Read more...]
Giffords Neurosurgeon Wrong In Stating Breathing Tubes Protect Against Pneumonia
Multiple media outlets today are reporting that University of Arizona neurosurgeon Dr. Michael Lemole has told reporters that Congresswoman Gabrielle … [Read more...]
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC)
Pathophysiology 1) abnormal clotting process that can have as the major symptom(s) bleeding, thrombosis or both 2) a specific triggering process is … [Read more...]