Ebola deaths in Africa are being under reported, claims a physician on the ground in West Africa. His estimation is at least 50% more people have died … [Read more...]
ACS Operation Giving Back Assessing Situation in Japan
The Operation Giving Back section of the American College of Surgeons is currently gathering information about the on-the-ground status and the need … [Read more...]
Hospital Handwashing Reported To Be Less Than in Public Restrooms
Michael Millenson and colleagues are reporting that the rate of handwashing by physicians in America's hospitals is less than that of users of public … [Read more...]
Oklahoma Physician Dr. Stephen Wolf Arrested for Son’s Murder
Oklahoma City internist Dr. Stephen Wolf was arrested for the murder of his nine year-old son Tommy Wolf. Police are not releasing details except to … [Read more...]
Alice G. Gosfield, Esq.
Recently Insidesurgery.com sat down with nationally renowned healthcare attorney Alice G. Gosfield for an in depth interview on how she sees … [Read more...]