Amebic liver abscesses have an overwhelming male preponderance (15:1, male to female) and occur in the right lobe of the liver about 75% of the time. … [Read more...]
Treatment for Tetanus Infected Wounds in Haiti
Experienced trauma surgeons are advising that all wounds in Haiti should be considered contaminated with Clostridium tetanus and will cause the … [Read more...]
Flagyl Side Effects
The following case report highlights one of the known Flagyl side effects. A 68 year old diabetic man was restarted post-operatively on his normal … [Read more...]
Clostridium difficile – Part 1
C diff is an anaerobic (i.e, it can not grow in the presence of oxygen), normally occurring gut bacteria that is usually not pathogenic (i.e., does … [Read more...]
Flagyl (Metronidazole) and Alcohol
Flagyl is the brand name of the antibiotic metronidazole. It is a widely used antibiotic for killing bacteria that are anaerobic, or that don't grow … [Read more...]