While Ebola is readily killed by using standard hospital disinfectants, the Ebola virus is known to live for up to two weeks outside of the body on non-disinfected surfaces.
For instance, epidemiologists have tracked cases in Uganda where the disease was spread by multiple persons using the same blanket over several days
One concern among health officials is the possibility of Ebola transmission on currency being handled in communities where the use of credit cards is non-existent.
If people are afraid to handle or exchange money, the ramifications for local communities are devastating. This would bring a halt to most daily transactions such as buying food and fuel in communities that rely on large open-air markets for part of their food supply.
Cameron Taylor says
Currently there are increasing Fears that Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) has the potential of being transmitted by exchange of paper currencies. Initially thought that the virus was unable to be spread through the medium money is now being further investigated. As Laboratory’s reveal viruses, including human influenza virus, Norovirus, Rhinovirus, hepatitis A virus, and Rotavirus, can be transmitted through hand contact and potentially through money.
I have found that Global Health Drawers has recently developed cash drawers that immobilize the viruses and diseases on obey . Through the use of UV light inact technology it deactivates the DNA of bacteria, viruses and other pathogens and thus destroys their ability to multiply.
For those that are wanting clean money