In a case sure to cheer all physicians who have had bad reviews in online comment forums and who cannot respond because of HIPAA violations, California plastic surgeon Dr. Kimberly Henry has filed a multimillion dollar lawsuit against three online critics. She is claiming libel and defamation, invasion of privacy, and interference with prospective economic advantage. Some of the critical comments were registered with, who initially complied with a subpoena for the reviewers IP addresses and emails.
The Facts says
Dr. Kimberly Henry received a formal Reprimand from the California State Medical Board in 2006.
The California State Medical Board,after a formal investigation revealed that “she purchased and administered (thru injections) to approximately 40 uninformed patients Type A Botulinum Neurotoxin, distributed by Toxin Research International.”
The State Board said “you (Henry) failed to inform the patients that the botulinum toxin you were using was not approved by the Food and Drug Adminstration. was for research purposes only and was not intended for human use,” said the letter of reprimand, signed by medical board executive director David Thornton.
The action was a violation of state code, he said.
More Facts says
A positive review about Dr Henry has been flagged as follows: “No where in the comments by ‘RoPhlek’ does it reveal that this is Henry or an employee of Henry. But yet, it came from an ISP labeled ‘KIMBERLY HENRY MD’. Normally, we delete suspicious scorecards like this, but due to the legal actions by Henry, it seems appropriate to leave the evidence online as it was and let the public decide for themselves if this scorecard comes from a legitimate patient.”
Lacey says
Dr. K. Henry is a GREAT surgeon, I have had work done and IF I could afford to pay her to do more work I would. Money is tight for me now, but when I can I will go back to her, she is and always has been very good and excellent to her patients and work is the best!
deenial says
Afraid too!