1) type of small vessel vasculitis thought to be secondary to immune complex deposition 2) most commonly occurs in children, but can occur in adults 3) typically self-limited
Signs and Symptoms
1) palpable purpura – most common over legs and buttocks 2) polyarthralgias – typically knees and ankles 3) GI complaints – colicky abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, bloody diarrhea, and constipation 4) blood and mucus per rectum 5) glomerulonephritis – usually resolves spontaneously 6) myocardial dysfunction – adults only
Characteristic Test Findings
Laboratory – 1) proteinuria 2) microscopic hematuria 3) RBC casts in urine 4) increased serum IgA 5) eosinophilia 6) mild leukocytosis 7) all coagulation tests are normal
Histology/Gross Pathology
1) IgA deposits in walls of dermal blood vessels 2) increased vascular permeability 3) glomerular lesions identical to IgA nephropathy (Berger’s disease)
Associated Conditions
increased incidence with – 1) upper respiratory tract infection 2) immunizations 3) insect bites 4) streptococcus pharyngitis
IgA is predominant antibody class in deposited immune complexes
1) peak incidence in spring 2) slightly more common in males
1) glucocorticoids (prednisone) decrease GI complaints and joint pain but do not alter overall course 2) if renal failure is rapidly progressive (which is uncommon), plasmapheresis and immunosuppressive drugs are used
Tips for USMLE
if questions mentions a 6 year-old boy with a bad cold who 2 weeks later develops red, raised lesions on his buttocks and the back of his thighs, sore ankles, and abdominal pain, think Henoch-Schonlein purpura
vasculitis symptoms says
I am a nurse in Birmingham, Al and I am concerned as well. We are not being forced to take the regular vaccine but we have to take it or sign a declination. On some units they are threatening to reassign them if they don’t take it. I suggest you do some serious prayer and research to find out what your options and rights are. The government is up to something very diabolical so we must stand for something or fall for everything. Trust in Jesus Christ and He will rescue you, that I know for sure. God bless and good luck.