1) panhypopituitarism caused by ischemic necrosis of the pituitary 2) usually but not always caused by postpartum hemorrhage 3) can occur spontaneously 4) can occur after mutation in transcription factors
Signs and Symptoms
1) amenorrhea 2) hypothyroidism 3) decreased adrenal functioning 4) pallor 5) failure of lactation 6) loss of genital and axillary hair
Characteristic Test Findings
Laboratory – 1) decreased melano-stimulating hormone 2) decreased TSH 3) decreased prolactin 4) decreased corticotropin 5) decreased FSH 6) decreased LH
Histology/Gross Pathology
1) pituitary is vulnerable to ischemia during pregnancy because it is enlarged 2) diffuse ischemic necrosis of pituitary
rare in Western countries owing to modern obstetric care; still common in less-developed areas of the world
chronic replacement of low or missing hormones
Tips for USMLE
the term Sheehan’s syndrome was originally used to describe pituitary necrosis caused by postpartum hemorrhage; now is somewhat imprecisely used to describe the condition secondary to any cause
Shailaysia Thomas says
I have Sheehans Syndrome and require urgent surgery as this is affecting the quality of my life. Are you able to help me or know someone who performs this surgery.
Kind regards
Shailaysia Thomas says
I have Sheehans Syndrome and it is affecting the quality of my life.
Can you please help me with who does this type of surgery?
Kind regards