bariatric surgery – area of surgery including procedures performed to cause weight loss
bifid – this means a body part or tissue has cleft into two parts or branches.
bile – substance made in the liver, stored in the gallbladder and secreted into the duodenum when a person eats. It aids in digestion of fats.
BKA – below knee amputation.
bleph – see blepharoplasty.
blepharoplasty – surgery on the eyelids; usual meaning is for a cosmetic improvement.
blood gas – see ABG above.
BNP – brain naturietic peptide.
B and O – belladonna and opium suppository; given for bladder spasms.
brady’ed down – slang for patient developing bradycardia
bradycardia – a slow heartbeat. In adults this means a rate of less than 60 beats per minute.
BRBPR – bright red blood per rectum; a sign most commonly of bleeding from the lower gastrointestinal tract.
bursa – sac-like structure filled with thick fluid that prevents certain tissues from rubbing against each other.
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