Some Canadian Provinces Not Funding State-of-the-Art Aneurysm Operations
Hamilton, Ontario vascular surgeon Dr. Claudio Cina evaluates all his aortic aneurysm patients who need surgical repair for a new operation that has smaller incisions, less pain for the patient, and quicker recovery time than the old “open” repair. But, some authorities in Canada have refused to pay for the procedure because it requires the use of an expensive endovascular stent graft.
Editors Note: This type of denial of service is apt to give many American patients the jitters, especially in view of the looming federalization of health care in the United States.
Officials in Thailand have announced that His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej, 78, will undergo spine surgery for a condition called lumbar stenosis. The King developed weakness in his right leg in 2003. He has been treated with medication and physical therapy until now. The procedure will be performed at Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok.
Copyright 2006