Thanks for visiting the August 1, 2006 Grand Rounds. We have alot of great posts this week so I hope you browse all the way through. My two favorites are Dr. Charles and Dr. Hebert. Please let me know which ones you like. Next week’s host for Grand Rounds is Mexico Medical Student.
From the Surgeons
Barbadosbutterfly recounts her experience trying to save the life of a patient with a rupturing abdominal aortic aneurysm. Urostream reveals one thing that she does when she takes a break in her day (she really needs to get away from the office more).
About Dr. Anna Pou
Dr. Hebert with a must read on the arrest of Dr. Anna Pou for murder (from a New Orleans physician who evacuated the day before Katrina hit).
Things Psychological and Psychiatric
Woman and Child First comments on research about how easy it is to get labelled with a (perhaps incorrect?) psych diagnosis. Alone talks about what happens when you don’t click with your new psychiatrist. shrink rap opines on a Maryland psychiatrist who was arrested for prescribing a medication off-label.
Health Psych reveals how sometimes a compliment is not really a compliment. Anxiety, Addiction, and Depression loads up another round in the continuing controversy over the effectiveness of 12-step recovery programs
One Day (Night) in the Life of…
Dr. Charles recounts the last days of President’s Garfield’s slow and agonizing death from an assassin’s bullet. PDXEMT talks about one recent hot night on the paramedic circuit. Let’s hope Axis Deviation never makes a medical student look silly like this when he is in charge. In My Humble Opinion muses over finally letting go of his first time…
If you think your shift at work is bad, consider the one that About A Nurse did recently. Six Until Me pours out her thoughts on drinking and diabetes. Tundra Medicine chews on the problem of dealing with a 2 year-old patient. Emergiblog seeks some relief from a patient.
Here is a humorous look from My Life, My Pace at how some (presumably male) medical students approach the opposite sex. Warrior Mom asks for some empathy. It’s a Nursing Thing charts the life of a male Arab nurse working in Israel.
Working the System or the System Working You?
Ever thought about a health care system that tells you what treatments you must have? Doctor Anonymous talks about just that when discussing the case of Starchild Abraham Cherrix. Health Business Blog ponders why patients with insurance actually use the emergency room more than the uninsured. Moof wonders how good physicians are going to get using their computer.
Insureblog gives a vignette about a recent call he made to a client to talk about – what else – insurance. Health Care Law Blog goes through the electronic health chart.
Taking Care of the Patient (or Yourself)
California Medicine Man suggests a link between improved health and societal changes. Diabetes Mine discusses the newest combination diabetes therapy drug.
Despite the trouble some physicians have gotten into recently for trying to effect lifestyle changes in patients, Fixin’ Healthcare argues that doctors must become lifestyle coaches as well.
Digital Doorway says his team always holds out hope, despite the long odds. chronicbabe has another in a series of healthy eating articles. Unbounded Medicine gets to the bottom of a very painful condition.
From the Baby Professionals
Navelgazing Midwife has some suggestions for what to do when things go wrong. In case you don’t have enough reasons to stop smoking when you are pregnant, here is another one from straightfromthedoc.
Jon Mikel, M.D. says
As always I was late on my submission. Still I want to share this link with all of you:
<a href="http://sites/…">Worst Case of Hemorrhoidal Prolapse Ever</a>
Nice summary this edition of Grand Rounds
hgstern says
Great job, Doc!
Thank you so much for hosting!
Moof says
Excellent job! Thank you for hosting!
And enjoy Northern Maine! :o)
Warrior Mom says
Beautiful job, thank you.
intelinurse2b says
Tundra Medicine Man is actually a woman, her profile states she is actually a PA in Alaska. : )
When I first started reading her blog I thought she was a man too, I guess I was a victim of my own tendency to stereotype…in this case, "if you’re roughing it in Alaska, you must be a guy. " NOT.
Sorry TundraPA. I am a regular in reading your blog. Great post!
That Girl says
Thanks for hosting!
The little student says
Thanks for hosting! My first grand round, beautifully done.
Alison Tuck says
Thank you for listing my first entry into the grand rounds. Have been away on a wee holiday with my children, so I’ve not been able to thank you b4 this. Well done.
Barbados Butterfly says
Excellent work on Grand Rounds, Lisa! Thanks for hosting.